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Career Advice

In this extract we are dealing the topic of CV Preparation. Your CV is a critical part of your job search. It is the first impression you will give a future employer. If your CV is poorly organised or presented, you may have little chance landing a job.

Your CV must include your name, address, phone number, education and work experience.
You may also want to include a job objective which states what type of position you are seeking and awards or honours you have received.

When applying for a position, be sure to include a cover letter stating why your qualifications fit the position and why you want to work with the company. A good CV and cover letter should lead to an interview with the employer.

Here are some tips for preparing your CV:
• If you are a beginner, keep your CV to one page.
• Have your CV typeset or laser printed.
• Be honest about your skills and work experience.
• Be concise and use action words and phrases when describing your experience


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